Welcome to AANI

We Are Your Trusted Friend

Allergy Asthma Network of India (AANI): The concept of AANI originated by the students and faculty of the Diploma in allergy & Asthma (DAA) course at the Christian Medical College-hospital ( in 2009. The specialty of allergy is relatively new, especially in the Indian sub continent aand DAA is the only formal year long training program in operation since 2006.

DAA is offered to physicians who are already specialized in the specialties of Paediatrics, General Medicine, Pulmonary medicine, ENT and rarely after MBBS with exceptional academic activities. DAA has been very well received and there are around 250 graduates in deifferent parts of India as well as beyond. Hence the idea of developing a network for all the DAA graduates was originated and has resulted in the formation of AANI. Although the concept and the network development has been practiced since 2009, AANI was officially inaugurated at Mysore,Karnataka in December 2014.


We provide excellent services for your ultimate good health. Here some of the services are included for your better understand that we are always at your side.


AANI Support on Allergy

AANI has conducted so many seminars, health fairs around the world. Please the health fair at your area and benefit from he world renounced physicians.


Resources on Allergy

We can find many more resources on allergy and asthma. Some of AANI members introduced allergy and asthma book. Always browse at


Technology on Asthma

There’s a new technology that allows respiratory therapists to diagnose and treat asthma by measuring the amount of nitric oxide in a person’s breath.


Our Latest Activites

Focused Webinar on Drug Allery

  • Focused webninar on DRUG ALLERGY was conducted on Sunday 18th April 2021, an educational initiative by AANI

2nd International on Pediatric Seminar

  • AANI conducted 2nd virtual international CME on Paediatric Allery organized by Marwar Paediatric Society and Allergy Asthma Network of India

2nd International CME

  • AANI conducted 2nd Virtual International CME on Paediatric Allergy organized by IAP Joadhpur and IAP Allergy & Applied immunology Rajasthan Chapter. Program indorsed by: International Asthma Service USA and AANI India