About Us

About Us

Vision & Objective

The growing burden of Allergic diseases in India and the need for the properly qualified professionals had made the stall-wards in the world in the field of Allergy & Clinical Immunology to focus upon to train doctors in this field. The suffering of an Allergic patient & the holistic approach in understanding the disease condition, the Specialized approach in treating the allergies than mere subsiding symptomatically was the spirit behind senior professors around the world to initiate this AANI. AANI team stands in forefront to deal with health issues relating to Allergies. AANI ventures through the society to understand, analyze & to give a scientifically fusible solution to zero down on human sufferings. AANI with its nation wide network is now India’s most active and academically sound team of Allergists with a bent to serve the society.

Board of Directors

We provide excellent services for your ultimate good health. Here some of the services are included for your better understand that we are always at your side.
